Paternity test

The DNA analysis to verify paternity is a method, which is nowadays worldwide recognized by the legal medicine society. The analysis, also called DNA fingerprint, is based on the length of a series of DNA fragments. These fragments have a repetitive sequence (STR, short tandem repeat): an out-and-out genetic and individual identity card.


The test allows to exclude for certain a supposed father, but also to attribute the fatherhood with an high probability level (99.99%).

Options and prices


TRIO paternity assessment

Mother, minor child, Presumed Father


DUO paternity assessment

Adult child, Presumed father


DUO paternity assessment

Adult child, Presumed mother


Single DNA profile



TRIO paternity assessment, during pregnancy

from amniocentesis sampling


Sibling relationship

both adults, only brother-brother or sister-sister, not brother-sister


DNA testing with grandparents

only carried out in cases where the father is deceased


DNA testing with uncles

only carried out in cases where the father is deceased


Twin zygosity DNA

test will determine whether your twins are identical (monozygotic) or not (heterozygous)


Y chromosome test

to determine whether two males share the same paternal ancestry


Sample taking

It’s not invasive: oral smear (the material is furnished by the laboratory).


Delivery time

From 2 to 4 weeks. The report will be personally given to the involved people. No information will be given by phone.




A document is required (identity card, passport or residency permit). Without an official document, it’s required a birth certificate for the child. Without no one of the required documents, the analysis won’t be carried out.


Qualified laboratory

The Laboratory of molecular diagnostic in Lugano follows the “federal law on genetic exams on the human being” (LEGU, 810.12)” and it’s licensed by the law ISO 17025. This mark of quality, which is given by the Swiss Accreditation Service (, confirms the technical competences regarding every performance.


Particular dispositions

The laboratory supposes that people who require this kind of analysis are in concert. If they’re not, a lawyer is required. Moreover, children who are older than 12 years old must be informed about the sample taking and about the possible psychological consequences. 


Analyses Request

Quality, efficiency and competitiveness

The quality of the Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory is guaranteed by the autorisation of Swissmedic, by the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation (PDF 355kb) and by the authorization of the Federal Department of Justice and Police.

Laboratorio di Diagnostica Molecolare SA
Via G. Petrini 2
CH-6900 Lugano
+41 (0)91 9603700

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