Microbiological analyses

Mycoplasma hominis

The Bacterium

The extremely little genome of Mycoplasma hominis and the extremely reduced biosynthetic abilities explain the parasitic life of this myco-organisms.


Clinical manifestations

The Mycoplasma hominis is very common in the genital and urinal apparatus, especially in sexual active people, but it can even be associated to some pathologies of the adult genital apparatus and of the infant breathing apparatus. The Mycoplasma hominis is usually involved in bacterial vaginosis and in pelvic inflammatory disease. It can provoke infertility, miscarriage, endometritis, salpingitis, premature membrane’s break, corion-amniotic infections and inadequate infant development. In men it can provoke infertility, urethritis, prostatitis and pyenlonephritis. In situations where the immune system is compromised, the Mycoplasma hominis can provoke extra genital pathologies.



The highlight by means of culture is extremely difficult. Serological methods are not specific, because the bacterium produces crossed reactions with Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
The highlight f M. hominis by means of PCR is a very sensible and specific method.


Sample taking

Urogenital smear, urogenital and articular pointed, ejaculated, biopsy.

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1. Swissmedic


2. ISO/IEC 17025

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Laboratorio di Diagnostica Molecolare SA
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