Medical analysis

A genetic test examines the genetic information contained within a person's cells, called DNA. Each person's DNA is a unique blueprint, providing instructions on a person's physical traits, such as eye color, hair texture, height, and different states of health.


DNA is a molecule shaped like a spiral staircase. The long DNA molecules in our cells are organized into pieces called chromosomes. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, and the chromosomes are further organized into short segments of DNA called genes.


Cells use the information written in our genes to make proteins. Some proteins give cells their shape and structure. Others help cells carry out biological processes such as digesting food or transporting oxygen in the blood. In genetic testing, scientists scan a patient's DNA sample to detect changed sequences. A DNA sample for genetic testing can be obtained from any tissue, including blood and a variety of biological fluids, such as amniotic fluid and saliva. Reliable genetic analysis begins with proper collection of DNA samples. Swiss legislation contemplates the analysis of "genetic tests without a medical reason" which, for example, provide knowledge about sporting abilities and optimal nutrition. Until now, the law has mainly regulated genetic tests relating to medical issues and paternity tests. It now also includes these genetic tests (for a more extensive explanation see also The following health professionals, dieticians, physiotherapists, chiropractors, and osteopaths can prescribe genetic tests for physiological characteristics such as, for example, metabolic genetic tests to optimize nutrition, genetic tests that give information on the conformation of the muscles, for example, to choose the appropriate sporting discipline.


The LDM DNA Saliva Kit offers a non-invasive, reliable, and easy-to-use sample collection method, enabling the collection of high-quality, high-quantity DNA and decreasing the complexity of sample transportation, handling and storage at room temperature. Given the great stability of the DNA molecule, the sample can be sent using the standard postal system.


LDM Lifestyle DNA tests are performed in Switzerland by a facility authorized by the Federal Department of Health, the Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory of Lugano, which employs trained personnel, using an analytically validated process. Although genetic testing can provide important information about health conditions and their prevention, there are limitations. For example, in a healthy person, a positive genetic test result does not mean that he or she will develop a different state of health than the current one. On the other hand, in some situations, a negative result does not guarantee that you will not have a certain disorder. Test results are intended for educational purposes only and not for diagnostic use. Any findings from the analysis of genome sequence information that may be deemed relevant should be confirmed using alternative tests with specialist advice.

Genetic test
Genetic test

α-1- Antritripsina

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses


Adenovirus can infect and duplicate in different types of cells and in anatomical sites, such as the breathing apparatus, the eyes, the gastrointestinal and urinary tract and the liver.

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Bordetella Pertussis and Bordetella Parapertussis

The pertussis is an high contagious disease, which normally damage children.

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato

The Lyme disease is characterized by local and general manifestations and it can be divided in three stages.

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Genetic test
Genetic test

Celiac disease

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Chlamydia pneumoniae

The infection normally appears softly in children and in teenager, more problems appear in old people or in immune- depressed patients.

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Chlamydia trachomatis

Chlamydia trachomatis’s infection appears mostly in cervicitis and uteritis.

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

CMV’s infections normally evolve in an asymptomatic way, but they can have serious consequences in immune-depressed patients.

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)

It’s very typical for a pathology of EBV a general unease characterized by tiredness, anorexia and articular ache.

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Genetic test
Genetic test

Factor II (Prothrombin G20210A)

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Genetic test
Genetic test

Gut Microbiota

Gut microbiota refers to the entire population of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites and non-pathogenic fungi) that live in our gastro-intestinal tract.

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Genetic test
Genetic test

Hemochromatosis (Iron Overload)

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Genetic test
Genetic test

Hereditary Fructose Intolerance (HFI)

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Herpers Simplex Virus 1 and 2 (HSV)

The classical manifestation of a first infection of HSV-1 is characterized by a gingiva-stomatitis with submandibular lymph-adenopathy.

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Genetic test
Genetic test


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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Influence virus A and B

The influenza is a viral and highly contagious infection of the breathing apparatus.

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Genetic test
Genetic test

Lactose Intolerance

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Mycoplasma genitalium

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Mycoplasma hominis

The Mycoplasma hominis is very common in the genital and urinal apparatus, especially in sexual active people, but it can even be associated to some pathologies of the adult genital apparatus and of the infant breathing apparatus.

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

M. pneumonia is the infective agent responsible of the 5-10% of atypical pneumonia, of the 80% of trachea-bronchitis and of the 10-20% of serious breathing apparatus infection.

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Symptoms can be a burning sensation during urinating, white, yellow or green leaks from the penis.

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Parvovirus B19

The parvovirus B19 is the cause of the fifth illness or erythema infectiosum, which is a innocuous blistering.
It’s about a illness, which is normally contracted during the childhood.

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

The incubation period is of 4 days. The infection goes on through saliva’s drops expectorated by the infected child and which are breathed or carried at conjunctivitis level of others children.

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Trichomonas vaginalis

Nelle donne, solo il 20% delle pazienti presentano un quadro clinico classico con vulvovaginite acuta, con perdita di liquido schiumoso dall’aspetto giallo verdognolo purulento, associato ad un prurito insistente e disuria.

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Ureaplasma urealyticum

The ureoplasma can be transmitted both via sexual vaginal, anal or oral contacts and via mother-fetus (during the pregnancy or at birth)

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Microbiological analyses
Microbiological analyses

Varicella / Zoster Virus (VZV)

Varicella is the primary infection of VZV and it mainly occurs in children. It’s characterized by a vesicular exanthema, which is often associated to fever.

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Laboratorio di Diagnostica Molecolare SA
Via G. Petrini 2
CH-6900 Lugano
+41 (0)91 9603700

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